Training events
12th November: shifting walls workshop Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin
15th & 16th October: vidubiology workshop Sonnenblumen Grundschule Berlin
10th & 11th October: vidubiology workshop Kiefholz Grundschule Berlin
25th September: vidubiology workshop, University of Kassel
13th Arpil: vidubiology workshop, University of Iceland
21st Feburary: Photo Stories, Kulturring Berlin
24th January: Video Forum, Kulturring Berlin
8th November: Erasmus+ Annual Meeting, Siegburg, DE
9th October: vidubiology workshop, Chester Zoo, UK
22nd August: workshop, Forum Berufsbildung Berlin
30th June: vidumath workshop, Humboldt University Berlin
20th June: vidubiology conference, 32SOU, Sofia, Bulgaria
25th May: vidumath workshop, Humboldt University Berlin
26th October: PAD Bonn, DE
25th October: vidumath workshop, Humboldt University Berlin
20th - 26th October: EU teacher training course, Berlin, DE
28th June: vidumath workshop, University Leipzig
27th June: vidumath workshop, FH Bielefeld
28th April: vidumath webinar, eTwinning STEM group
23rd-28th April: EU teacher training course, Berlin, DE
6th & 9th March: vidumath workshop, University Coimbra, PT
8th & 9th November: PAD Stuttgart, DE
16th - 23rd October: EU teacher training course, Berlin, DE
5th October: vidumath workshop, Trondheim, NO
12th August: Teacher Training, St. Joseph, Addis, ETH
30th June: school workshop, Fotogalerie, Berlin, DE
16th & 17th June: vidumath workshop and conference, Sofia, BG
26th May: GROW Coach training workshop, Addis, ETH
24th-27th April: Cultural workshop, Mao Komo, ETH
9th March: stop motion workshop, Addis, ETH
18th January: vidumath workshop, FH Bielefeld, DE
23th November: vidusign webinar, UAB Barcelona, ES
9th & 10th November: PAD Bonn, DE
23 October: vidusign final event @Kinemathek Berlin, DE
17th - 24th October: EU teacher training course, Berlin, DE (programme)
13th October: Video for ALL Online conference, hosted by University of Warwick, UK
2th July: Video for ALL workshop Berlin, DE
11th March: vidusign workshop UAB, Barcelona, ES
28th February: Video for ALL workshop, Sofia, BG (programme)
26th February: Fotogalerie Friedrichshain - Video Workshop Teil 2
27th January: Fotogalerie Friedrichshain - Video Workshop Teil 1
15th / 16th January: Basic Video and Editing Workshop, SIL, Addis, ETH
5th - 12th October: EU teacher training course "Video education and production", Berlin, DE
11th September: vidusign video workshop for deaf educators "Deaf Poetry", Ljubljana, SI
26th June: vidusign video workshop "Working with me", University of Granada, ES
9th April: vidusign video workshop "10 seconds", Equalizent, Vienna, AT
15th January: vidusign video workshop "Things I like", Equalizent, Vienna, AT